Two similar words with pretty different meanings. Impulsive and compulsive behaviors sound like identical twins, but in reality, they are more like distant relatives.
“But what’s the difference?” you might ask. It’s bigger than you expected.
Stop confusing these words, understand what might happen to you, and find out the causes of both types of behavior. Check out this quick & simple guide.
Impulsive vs. compulsive behavior. Main differences
You go through the shopping mall, see that one golden ring, and buy it immediately, no matter if this is your last money.
You love collecting books and always organize them alphabetically. It drives you crazy when something stays in the wrong place.
Can you spot the difference between impulsive and compulsive patterns? Jot down your thoughts, then compare them with the table to see how close you were!
Impulsive behavior | Compulsive behavior |
A tendency to act prematurely and without foresight [1] | Repetitive actions driven by an intense urge or brain wiring whereby the original goal of the act has been lost [2] |
Feels “rewarding” and comes from a wish to get this reward | Comes from a desire to reduce anxiety and feel safer |
More risk-taken, sudden, and unpredictable | More predictable |
May be more typical for extroverted and less organized people | May be more common with anxious individuals |
Stems from lack of self-control and discipline | Stems from a need to regain control and reduce inner tension |
Might lead to excessive irresponsibility | Might lead to a lack of flexibility |
Seems pretty understandable, right? Yet, it isn’t that clear in real-life situations. Let’s go further
Deeper understanding of the difference between compulsive and impulsive behavior
- Impulsive behavior comes from attempts to get pleasure. Someone may buy a new pair of sneakers, book another trip, or grab a dessert on a whim, chasing that instant thrill.
- Compulsive behavior means that a person feels less anxious rather than safer after doing something. Checking whether you’ve locked the door 3 times before leaving or cleaning the house for the second time a day — that’s it.
- Impulse is hard to predict because it happens spontaneously, with little forethought. For instance, you might decide to quit your job immediately after a stressful meeting.
- Compulse is very predictable because it’s based on routines or habits. Do you arrange your desk every morning in a super-specific order? That’s it!
Person’s feelings
- After doing something impulsive, people usually feel immediate pleasure, sometimes combined with guilt for doing so.
- Examples of compulsive behavior usually lead to temporary relief from anxiety and the feeling that the situation is under control. The relief is often short lived, and anxiety may feel greater the next time, causing the person to feel like they have no choice but to do the compulsion.
Long-term influence
- Impulsive behavior can lead to a cycle of quick thrills followed by regret. Over time, this pattern may cause a series of impulsive decisions that do not align with your long-term goals and result in serious life problems.
- Compulsive behavior tends to create a sense of control but can trap you in a loop of never-ending routines. This can lead to perfectionism, a lack of flexibility, and an overwhelming need for control.
Impulsive behavior examples
Well, now the picture gets clearer. Still, comparing impulsive vs. compulsive behavior is impossible without examples. We’ve collected the most common impulses to help you spot them much faster.
- Messaging to your ex when you’re drunk or feel lonely
- Starting an argument because of a minor thing when you’re stressed or exhausted
- Saying “yes” to plans you don’t want to go to just to avoid the feeling of missing out
- Grabbing a candy bar at the checkout, even though you promised yourself you’d stick to healthy eating
- Skipping work or responsibilities to binge-watch your favorite show, telling yourself it’s “just for today”
- Sharing a secret because you couldn’t resist the urge to spill the tea

Examples of compulsive behavior
As we’ve looked at impulsive behaviors, let’s dive into compulsive ones. These actions are driven by the need to feel in control or ease anxiety. Here are some examples to help you spot them!
- Thinking and rethinking over a comment you made during a conversation once it’s finished
- Praying anytime you feel even slightly worried and believing that otherwise something bad will happen
- Checking your bag repeatedly before leaving the house, making sure your keys, wallet, and phone are there — even though you just checked
- Biting nails, twirling hair, or cracking your knuckles too often without even noticing it
- Re-reading a text or email dozens of times before sending to make absolutely sure it doesn’t have any mistakes
- Constantly scrolling through social media, not out of enjoyment, but to avoid feeling like you’re missing out or to distract yourself from stress
Identifying impulse vs. compulse
Now you’re at the crossroads. “What happens to me when I do *a certain kind of thing*?” “Is it impulse or compulse?”
Save these questions to spot compulsive behavior vs. impulsive actions and use them to understand your patterns better.
- Is this behavior driven by an immediate need for pleasure or a desire to reduce stress and anxiety?
- Is this action spontaneous and unpredictable, or part of a rigid routine?
- Do I feel regret or temporary relief after doing it?
- Is it just one moment of indulgence, or does it continue in cycles, creating behavior patterns?
Think about whether you look more like Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street, who impulsively buys luxury, or John Nash from A Beautiful Mind, who obsessively looks for patterns in newspapers and math formulas.
“Can a person show both compulsive and impulsive behaviors at the same time, and how do these behaviors affect their daily life?” Here’s an answer from Jessi Gholami, LMSW-C, LCSW-C, “Yes, a person can show both compulsive and impulsive behaviors at the same time. For example, someone with OCD-like tendencies might triple check that they locked their car door, and then also compulsively buy something because they think it’s cool, exciting, or new. These combined behaviors can impact someone’s life because it might indicate their heightened emotional dysregulation (feeling very stressed or anxious) and difficulty stopping immediate urges (which can lead to guilt and perhaps low self-esteem).”
Compulsive vs. impulsive behavior. Possible causes
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why can’t I stop doing this?” If that question lingers without an answer, it could be a sign that something deeper is at play. What specifically? Let’s try to find out.
The most common causes of impulsive behavior
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Impulse control disorder
- Lack of emotional regulation skills
- Hormonal imbalances or changes
- Peer pressure or social influence
- Borderline personality disorder [3] and other mental health disorders
- Environmental influences [4]
The most common causes of compulsive behavior
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- Anorexia nervosa
- Body dysmorphic disorder [5]
- Low self-esteem
- Perfectionism
- Need for control
- Imbalance in brain chemistry
Things that can cause examples of both impulsive and compulsive behavior
- Childhood trauma outcomes
- Increased anxiety
- Developmental disorders, such as ASD
- Eating disorders
- High levels of stress or emotional tension
- Genetics or family history of similar behaviors
- Substance abuse or addiction
Everyone is different. Thus, things that make one show impulsive behavior examples, like booking a last-call trip after a severe argument with a partner, can make another person organize the wardrobe by colors (for the 5th time a week!).
So, if you look for the answer to what makes you engage in impulsive or compulsive behaviors, it’s better to seek guidance from a healthcare provider.
Compulsive vs. impulsive behavior. How to cope
First and foremost, “When should I start changing something?”
The answer is on the surface: if you or your loved ones feel uneasy about certain behaviors, it may be a sign that it can’t continue anymore.
Here’s what might help you cope with impulsive and compulsive patterns:
- Tracking your mood and noticing emotional triggers that make you engage in impulses or compulses
- Practicing mindfulness and meditation to gain more control over your thoughts and actions
- Adhering to a more variable and rewarding routine to make your life more interesting and reduce the probability of sticking to things or following impulses
- Setting clear goals and boundaries to break the cycle of old habits
Impulsive and compulsive behavior. Seeking help
Yet, there might be situations when nothing seems to help. You feel like a fly in a glass jar and repeat habitual patterns over and over.
In this case, asking for professional guidance is the best option. A therapist can help you acquire the necessary skills and learn techniques to manage impulsive and compulsive tendencies.
There’s always a way out. Sometimes, it just requires a look from another perspective.
What practices do mental health professionals usually apply to help someone cope with impulsive or compulsive behavior?
Jessi Gholami, LMSW-C, LCSW-C, answers, “MH professionals can help someone with compulsive or impulsive tendencies through various means. For example,
- CBT (changing your thoughts that lead to anxiety or impulsivity)
- Trauma work to explore where this behavior may have originated and resolving the root-cause
- Mindfulness to increase awareness of triggers and teaching ways to control actions
- Exposure therapy — challenging yourself to feel uncomfortable when you don’t listen to an impulse or compulsion — and working through that discomfort.
- Medications can help
- Encouraging you to engage in support groups to help you build accountability and resilience
- Providing psychoeducation — teaching you ways to understand your behavior so that you can take control over it”
- Psychiatric Times. “Understanding the Differences Between Impulsivity and Compulsivity.” July 2008
- National Library of Medicine. “Compulsivity is measurable across distinct psychiatric symptom domains and is associated with familial risk and reward-related attentional capture.” October 2019
- National Library of Medicine. “Impulsivity: A Predisposition Toward Risky Behaviors.” June 2014
- ScienceDirect. “Genetic and environmental influences on impulsivity: A meta-analysis of twin, family and adoption studies.” November 2011
- ScienceDirect. “Conceptualising compulsivity through network analysis: A two-sample study.” November 2023