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11 min

Lost Inner Child? Take Our Free Lost Inner Child...

Remember those days of building blanket forts, chasing butterflies, and believing a...

Ashley Coon, MA, LPC

Reviewed by Ashley Coon, MA, LPC


8 min

Why Do I Not Feel Like Myself?

Many of us are familiar with the nagging feeling of something being ‘off̵...

Enna Sanghvi, MA

Reviewed by Enna Sanghvi, MA


8 min

How To Know If Its Dissociative Amnesia From Chi...

Trauma can bury our memories so deeply in our minds that we can not recall them. Mo...

Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP

Reviewed by Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP


17 min

The Mother Wound & the Father Wound

We often carry our parents’ legacy within us, for better or for worse. But wh...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


10 min

“Am I Emotionally Unavailable?”

“You’re so emotionally distant! You don’t ever talk about how you feel! It’s so har...

Nicole Arzt, LMFT

Reviewed by Nicole Arzt, LMFT


12 min

ADHD Hyperfixation — More Than a Deep Interest

You find yourself so concentrated on something like never before. Time flies by, an...

Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC

Reviewed by Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC


14 min

The Fawn Trauma Response: When People Pleasing B...

Do you regularly put others’ needs before your own? You may be one of 49% of Americ...

Katherine Pocock, MBPsS

Reviewed by Katherine Pocock, MBPsS


14 min

Do I Have Attachment Trauma?

Do you crave close connections but tend to psych yourself out of them? Do you somet...

Ashley Coon, MA, LPC

Reviewed by Ashley Coon, MA, LPC


16 min

Feeling Unmotivated? 10 causes to explore 

It seems there is no place where we wouldn’t hear about motivation and how to...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


10 min

“Why Do I Hate Myself?” — Self-Loathing

Many of us understand that ruining feeling of self-hate that follows you wherever y...

Nicole Arzt, LMFT

Reviewed by Nicole Arzt, LMFT


9 min

10 Signs That Mean It’s Time to Lighten Your Emo...

While Reddit users discuss whether it is “bad to not want to date someone with lots...

Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC

Reviewed by Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC


12 min

“Why Am I So Emotional?”

I am feeling emotional and can’t cope with these feelings. Even the most minor task...

Geralyn Dexter, Ph.D., LMHC

Reviewed by Geralyn Dexter, Ph.D., LMHC


14 min

Abandonment Trauma (Explaining through examples)

Ever feel like your partner is packing their bags behind your back? Do you constant...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


12 min

Why do I feel so guilty over small things?

Guilt. That burning feeling in your stomach that reminds you you did something wron...

Ashley Coon, MA, LPC

Reviewed by Ashley Coon, MA, LPC


9 min

Breaking Down Parentification Trauma

Parentification is a way of raising kids in which kids sometimes put their own need...

Nicole Arzt, LMFT

Reviewed by Nicole Arzt, LMFT


12 min

How Are Autism and ADHD Connected?

TL;DR Unveiling the ADHD and autism overlap Can you imagine that approximately 50-7...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


12 min

Why Do I Feeling Lost in Life?

Been there, done that. It seems like everyone knows that “Why I feel so lost” feeli...

Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC

Reviewed by Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC


15 min

“Am I lazy Or Depressed?”

Imagine it’s Saturday morning, which promises to be productive. You wake up w...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


9 min

Understanding Enmeshment Trauma

People who have experienced trauma may face the mental equivalent of a maze with in...

Nicole Arzt, LMFT

Reviewed by Nicole Arzt, LMFT


8 min

“Why Do I Feel Empty?”

Life’s richness often masks the underlying sense of emptiness that many of us...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


13 min

“Am I neurodivergent?” Take a free neurodivergen...

Ever wonder why you get lost in a daydream for hours or need silence in a noisy wor...

Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC

Reviewed by Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC
