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11 min

Best 15 Books on Childhood Trauma

Picking books about childhood trauma is like going on an exciting self-discovery tr...

Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP

Reviewed by Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP


9 min

How to Stop Worrying about Everything – 7 Tips

You wake up at night and think about work reports, take a coffee break and feel str...

Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP

Reviewed by Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP


9 min

Why do I stop talking mid-sentence? The Psycholo...

Imagine you’re sharing with a friend about your weekend, detailing the activi...

Katherine Pocock, MBPsS

Reviewed by Katherine Pocock, MBPsS


15 min

Is Your Relationship Toxic? 15 Signs To Check

In every relationship, there are ups and downs, but sometimes those downs can be mo...

Geralyn Dexter, Ph.D., LMHC

Reviewed by Geralyn Dexter, Ph.D., LMHC


8 min

How to Tell if Nausea is from Anxiety

Do you want to finish the work tasks, spend time with your family, or enjoy an exci...

Katherine Pocock, MBPsS

Reviewed by Katherine Pocock, MBPsS


8 min

IQ and Intelligence: Everything About IQ Tests

You’ve probably seen something like this on the news: “A nine-year-old child with a...

Joy Ismail, PhD

Reviewed by Joy Ismail, PhD


11 min

What Is Love? Baby, Don’t Hurt Yourself no More

You feel it in your fingers, you feel it in your toes… But although love is all aro...

Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC

Reviewed by Hannah Schlueter, MA, LAC


10 min

Understanding Human Emotions

Life is a rollercoaster of human emotions. We get happy, we get sad, we get startle...

Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP

Reviewed by Cimone Hanif, PhD, TLLP


8 min

Why Do I Wake Up Tired?

Gosh, that alarm sounds like a hungry beast just begging to be snoozed. Five more m...

Joy Ismail, PhD

Reviewed by Joy Ismail, PhD


15 min

Mental Health 101: Basic Techniques for Feeling...

Finally, people have started discussing the topic of mental health more often and m...

Joy Ismail, PhD

Reviewed by Joy Ismail, PhD


10 min

What Is ADHD?Neurobiology, Symptoms, and Treatme...

ADHD. Four letters, dozens of misconceptions, and hundreds of questions. As more an...

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS

Reviewed by Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS


15 min

How to Meditate 101

What do you think about when you hear the word “meditation”? Is it a Ge...

Joy Ismail, PhD

Reviewed by Joy Ismail, PhD


13 min

How To Calm Your Anxiety

You feel your mind racing, and multiple scenarios of imminent disaster flood it and...

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS

Reviewed by Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS


9 min

EQ Code: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Your colleague’s outbursts of anger are suspiciously similar to those of your...

Joy Ismail, PhD

Reviewed by Joy Ismail, PhD


10 min

What Procrastination Really Is and How to Stop P...

Do you often find yourself pushing important tasks to the last minute, whether it&#...

Maria Baldellou Lopez, MSs., BMBS

Reviewed by Maria Baldellou Lopez, MSs., BMBS


10 min

What is Childhood Trauma? Signs and more

Childhood trauma in adults is more common than many of us realize — research sugges...

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS

Reviewed by Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS